History is one of those subjects that could be endless if we had enough time. Many students throughout their school life end up studying a variety of time periods in an attempt to have a wide overview of history by the end. The assumption from
History is one of those subjects that could be endless if we had enough time. Many students throughout their school life end up studying a variety of time periods in an attempt to have a wide overview of history by the end. The assumption from
Adidas spent around £100 million to be the "Official Sportswear Partner of the London 2012 Olympic Games and the London 2012 Paralympic Games." So how come, when a case study was conducted by ‘Research Now’ and published by Forbes - which included 7200 participants from
Secret Meetings. Paradoxical thoughts. Anger, so much anger: With not only yourself and your impulsive actions - but your marriage. Your secret lover. With Russian society. The world, even. Anna Karenina These are some of the feelings that Anna Karenina, who Tolstoy named the novel after, feels
An unexpected challenge I have found in recent years is choosing books that not only looked interesting, but also by reading them, would allow me to develop as a person. The difficulty was stepping out of my comfort zone when it came to literature -
The tragic love story of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is famously immortalised through the declaration that: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". However, in my most recent revisiting of the play it has come to my attention that in regards to the play's full
It has been said that the world has become a war zone of sexism and language has been our weapon of mass destruction. I’m sure feminists would like to argue that our language has been corrupted and torn apart by men in order to slowly
"Everyone sees what you appear to be; few really know what you are" Born in Florence in 1469, Niccolò di Bernado Machiavelli grew up in an Italy dominated by many works of history and philosophy, most noticeably an entire tradition of artistic works known as "mirrors for princes" that almost acted as
In this difficult time, It can be quite hard to focus on anything other than the news of the epidemic, or any updates on the lock-down - which is why I decided to compile a list of 8 brilliant books which I've read (and re-read!)
Since television and media began, celebrity culture has gripped the world. Whether it be a singer, an actor, a sports star or a social media influencer, everyone is obsessed with someone famous. But what is it about them that makes them so irresistible, and is this
Film adaptations of comic books are often subjected to scathing criticism by other directors and actors, especially since the release of box office titan, Avengers: Endgame. Legendary director Martin Scorsese, for example, compared these franchises to ‘theme parks’, and deemed them unworthy of artistic praise.