Will we ever get back to normal, and what was normal, anyway?
It is, to me anyway, week 75234 of lockdown. The ice cream has gone from the freezer and I can barely remember what some of my friends look like. But, finally, it appears as though

It is, to me anyway, week 75234 of lockdown. The ice cream has gone from the freezer and I can barely remember what some of my friends look like. But, finally, it appears as though the peak of the pandemic is over, and the government is cautiously planning the lifting of lockdown. In a few months, perhaps, it will all be back to normal.
Or will it? This has been a monumental event in the history of the human race, and it will quite likely be the most significant event in the lives of the young people growing up through it. So, will this change the way that we think and behave once the virus has gone? Will it change the minds and hearts of everyone for generations to come?
I sincerely hope that it will. A somewhat ironic aspect of this whole experience has been the way that, although we have been isolated from people a lot more than we usually would, there seems to be a lot more generosity going around, more of an awareness of our fellow men and women. I’m sure most people have seen stories in the news, or on social media, about residents helping an elderly neighbour, for example, and of course, there has been a wealth of support and appreciation for our exceptional NHS, whose workers have been true heroes of our time. These people have put their lives on the line to keep the country’s people alive, and for that, they deserve all of the recognition in the world. Without them, we would be nothing.
Oh my goodness I went to Hampstead Heath for a sunset walk and to sit and listen peacefully at 8pm and what a heartwarming beautiful few minutes to hear London cheering for the NHS. Proud to be a Nurse, cannot wait to go back ❤️ #nurse #clapforNHS pic.twitter.com/wiOeGqF8dW
— Sarah Jane Palmer (@nurse_palmer) May 7, 2020
The vast, vast majority of people now realise how much we need to value the people around us. We’ve spent much more time with our family than we usually would, which for most people, myself included, is a blessing. With respect to those for whom it hasn’t been so easy cooped up at home, they will have a new appreciation of their friends. In fact, this is true for everyone; it will take a lot of strength for me to not grab my friends in a huge bear hug next time I see them! But alas, social distancing must be respected for longer than we would all like.
Not to be forgotten
This appreciation which is new-found for some is something which we as a society need to maintain once this pandemic is over. Of course, we will all be excited and relieved for this all to be over, but we mustn’t forget the gravity of the situation which has passed. Thousands of people have tragically died as a result of this virus, and their passing cannot be forgotten. To honour them, we can and should improve the way we all live our lives. We have to appreciate the things we have in our life, the people we have around us, and of course, the planet itself.
Compassion. If you take with you one word from this article, if one word imprints on your mind, let it be compassion. Compassion allows us to connect with people emotionally, to experience the feelings of others as if they were our own. With compassion, we could eradicate the evils of this world. War, famine, climate change, compassion is the key to resolving all. Yes, that may sound like a big statement, and of course, nobody can do that on their own. But next time you have the chance, show compassion to someone. It spreads goodness and love in the world, and if we all chip in, we can do justice to the gift of life which we have been given.
So, to answer the title question, no, I don’t think we will get back to normal. But we’ll create our new normal, and although it won’t be easy, we can do it together.